All samples are using Ink.requireModules, please read how to use it at Ink.requireModules section

Ink.UI.Animate_1 class

Method name Description
new Animate_1(element, options) Constructor
.animate(element, animation, [options])
Property name Description
.animationEndEventName Prefixed 'animationend' event name.
.animationSupported Boolean which says whether this browser has CSS3 animation support.

new Ink.UI.Animate_1(element, options)


  • element

    Animated element
  • options

    Options object
  • options.animation

    Animation name
  • options.duration

    Duration name (fast|medium|slow) or duration in milliseconds. Defaults to 'medium'.
  • options.removeClass

    Flag to remove the CSS class when finished animating. Defaults to false.
  • options.onEnd

    Callback for the animation end


I am the animated box

Animation is the process of creating a continuous motion and shape change illusion by means of the rapid display of a sequence of static images that minimally differ from each other. The illusion—as in motion pictures in general—is thought to rely on the phi phenomenon.


<button id="animate-me" class="ink-button blue">Animate!</button>
<div class="ink-animate example-box half-top-space"
    <h3>I am the animated box</h3>
        Animation is the process of creating a continuous motion and shape change illusion by means of the rapid display of a sequence of static images that minimally differ from each other. The illusion—as in motion pictures in general—is thought to rely on the phi phenomenon.

<script type="text/javascript">
    // Note: this step is not necessary if you are using autoload.js
    Ink.requireModules(['Ink.UI.Animate_1'], function (Animate) {
        new Animate('#animated');

Fade out and remove an element.


Ink.requireModules(['Ink.UI.Animate_1', 'Ink.Dom.Element_1'], function (Animate, InkElement) {
    new Animate('#some-element', {
        animation: 'fadeOut',
        trigger: '#some-button'
        onEnd: function (endData) {

Create an element, place it and fade it in.


Ink.requireModules(['Ink.UI.Animate_1', 'Ink.Dom.Element_1'], function (Animate, InkElement) {
    var myNewElement = InkElement.create('span', {
        className: 'ink-label red',
        setTextContent: 'Danger!'
    InkElement.insertTop(myNewElement, Ink.i('someOtherElement'));
    new Animate(myNewElement, { animation: 'fadeIn' });

.animate(element, animation, [options]) method


  • element

    Animated element
  • animation

    Animation name
  • options

    Options object, containing:
  • options.onEnd

    nullCallback for animation end.
  • options.removeClass

    falseWhether to remove the Css class when finished.
  • options.duration

    mediumDuration name (the fast|medium|slow strings) or, duration in milliseconds.
Ink.requireModules(['Ink.UI.Animate_1'], function (Animate) {
    Animate.animate(myDiv, 'fadeIn')

    Animate.animate(myDiv, 'shake', {
        onEnd: function () {
            alert('Finished shaking!');

Ink.UI.Animate_1.animationEndEventName attribute

Prefixed 'animationend' event name.

.animationSupported attribute

Boolean which says whether this browser has CSS3 animation support.